An avatar artist logging to real life

The colorful and sultry images of Abdullah Yazimoto's machinima are like a walk under hallucinogens in the metaverse.

Abdullah Yazimoto was born as a Second Life avatar on December 03, 2009. Soon, he started to create virtual artworks that encompassed wall and in situ sculptures, urban furniture and futuristic architecture (see Appointment in the Past). He also became an inworld art photographer (see Snapshots), before becoming a respected inworld art film maker (see Music Videos and Video Art machinimas).


After a while, Abdullah made a move to real life as a digital artist, and created a number of digital art collections. Drawings, one of his early collections, rassembles minimalistic pixel art pictures of weapons, people, wildlife and architecture. Manipulated Pictures explores the theme of beauty created at random, while Collages is a collection of digital collages with a message. Vectors celebrates the use of vector graphics in digital artworks, and Photography puts together thought provoking real world pictures.


In the early 2020s, artificial intelligence started to become mainstream and Abdullah used AI engines to create some new art collections, among others Characters, Places and Royals (made with Stable Diffusion 1.x), as well as Characters, Dada, Photography, Punk & Metal and Surrealism (made with Stable Diffusion XL 1.0).


A self taught artist, his background includes studies and a career in computer science, while committing to fine art compulsively from his early years.


A number of the digital artworks of Abdullah can be purchased as NFTs on OpenSea. Be sure to check them out!